Protect the Place Where Memories Are Made

Homeowners Insurance

Wall to Wall Coverage, and Beyond

Homeowners insurance can be confusing, so we work hard to make it simple. Your policy covers your home and property for damage caused by things like fire, extreme weather, crime, and vandalism. It also protects you against legal claims for damage or injury you accidentally cause others.

You’re usually required to have home insurance if you have a mortgage. Even if you don’t, homeowners insurance is essential protection for one of your biggest investments.

Property Damage

Covers damage to your house and any permanent structures on your property for fire, smoke damage, wind, falling trees, hail, and theft

Personal Property

Protects belongings that were damaged or stolen such as furniture, appliances, clothing, and electronics

Personal Liability

Helps with medical expenses or property damage to others caused by you or members of your household, including pets

Medical Bills

Covers medical payments for minor injuries to people who don't live with you but get hurt on your property

Living Expenses

Additional expenses could be covered for extra costs you might have to pay when experiencing a covered loss

Homeowners Insurance FAQ

Does your current home insurance offer enough protection? Chances are, it doesn’t. About 64% of homeowners don’t have enough insurance. As your insurance advisor, we’ll work with you to customize your coverage to fit your specific needs and budget.

Homeowners insurance is a specific type of insurance policy that protects homeowners against losses and damage caused by perils such as fires, storms, or burglary. It also covers legal costs if someone is injured in your home or on your property.

Homeowners insurance policies vary on what and how much they cover, but typically they’ll cover all or part of your financial losses. Coverage often includes:

  • The home itself, including the structure and its plumbing, electrical wiring and central air and heat systems.
  • Other structures on your property such as sheds and fences.
  • The possessions in your home, such as electronics, appliances and clothes, even when they aren’t located on your property.
  • Loss of use, such as paying for a hotel room while your home is getting fixed.
  • Personal liability coverage (financial losses should someone get hurt on your property and sue you).
  • Medical payments for people who get hurt on your property.

Generally, home insurance costs about $35-$40 per month for every $100,000 of home value, though it depends on your location and several other factors.

There are several ways to save money on premiums, such as bundling another policy (like personal auto), installing a home security system, and others.

Most standard homeowners insurance policies do not protect your property in the event of floods and earthquakes. So if you live in a state or area prone to these types of events, you may want (or be required to by your lender) to purchase a separate flood insurance policy.

If you have many valuable items in your home such as fine jewelry, guns, or expensive artwork, you may want to add a “rider” to your insurance policy, which will make sure you are fully reimbursed for these if they are destroyed, damaged or stolen.

Talk to your agent about your valuables. Sometimes it makes sense to put them on a different kind of policy.